Tissues & Organs
Tissues & Organs
Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue
Found in
Mucosa of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and urinary tracks
Cellular Component
Lymphocytes, macrophages, reticular cells
Connective Tissue
Reticular fibres (type III collagen)
Lymph Nodule
Key IDs
Primary Lymph Nodule | uniform colour
Secondary Lymph Nodule | 2 distinct colours (primary nodule and germinal centre)
Lymph Node
Throughout body along major lymphatic vessels; neck, axilla, groin
Cellular Component
T & B cells, plasma cells, APCs, macrophages, reticular cells
Connective Tissue
Capsular layer | dense irregular collagenous connective tissue
Stroma | reticular fibres (type III collagen)
Cortex | dense irregular type I collagen
Paracortex | thymus-dependent zone and HEVs (simple cuboidal epithelium)
Medulla | loose connective tissue
Cellular Component
T & B cells, APCs, macrophages, reticular cells
Connective Tissue
Capsular Layer | dense irregular collagenous connective tissue with type I collagen and SMC
Stroma | reticular fibres (type III collagen)
White Pulp & Marginal Zone | PALs, trabeculae
Key ID | blood vessel passing through lymph nodule
Red Pulp | splenic sinuses and cords (loose network of reticular fibres and reticular cells)