Tissues & Organs



Urinary Bladder

Tissues & Organs


Urinary Bladder


Bowman’s Capsule | inner layer of cuboidal cells (podocytes) and outer layer of simple squamous epithelium

Loop of Henle | descending – simple squamous epithelium, ascending – simple cuboidal epithelium

Collecting Tubules | simple cuboidal epithelium

Papillary Ducts (Ducts of Bellini) |  simple columnar epithelium



Renal Cortex

The renal cortex is characterized by the presence of renal corpuscles, which are absent in the renal medulla.

Renal Corpuscle 

Loop of Henle

The Loop of Henle is located in the renal medulla. It is composed of the thick descending and ascending limbs (lined by simple cuboidal epithelium), and the thin descending and ascending limbs (lined by simple squamous epithelium). 

Collecting Tubules

The collecting tubules tend to be wider and less regular in shape in comparison to the ascending and descending limbs of the loop of Henle. They are also lined by simple cuboidal epithelium.

Urinary Bladder

1. Mucosa

Epithelium | transitional epithelium

NO Muscularis Mucosae

2. Submucosa

Connective Tissue | dense irregular connective tissue

3. Muscularis Externa

Loosely arranged layers of smooth muscle and elastic fibres

Inner longitudinal, outer circular, and outermost longitudinal

Urinary Bladder

Urinary Bladder